Copywriting – Headline 01

Posted: September 26, 2010 by sayo666 in copy discussion, headline

The fastest autofocus

A: very good
B: 單看圖像已經大有來頭,十分吸眼男性消費者,再配上”the fastest autofocus”.這句意味著相機和人一樣,都很快速地捕捉到你想拍下的東西.
C: the command headline
D: comedy
E: 很清晰地表達了target audience(男人)的需要,即是捕捉快速的影相


Posted: September 26, 2010 by tingelis in headline

a)  ok

b)  因為品牌名用左入headling到..令人印象幾深

c)  The type of headline is the indirect headline

d)  The technigne of the hradlinr 係將品牌形象化

e)  直接用headline組成poster

Headline:Friends aren’t Disposable

Posted: September 26, 2010 by peonyclok in headline, Uncategorized

Friends aren’t Disposable
If  your friend is doing drugs or drinking, bring them back.

Do you think the headline is good?

And why?
而 Headline 簡單清晰地帶出 Friend aren’t Disposable 這個觀念,然後說出我們應該要怎樣做  If  your friend is doing drugs or drinking, bring them back.

What type of Headline is it?
The Indirect Headline. 因為一開始看這個 Headline 不會明白其用意,而需再看下面的句子才明白原來是叫我們幫助身邊那些濫藥及酗酒的朋友。

What technique of the headline is using?

How can together with the visual?
這是指大家都把這個女孩子是垃圾般看,但我們身為朋友就不應把她如垃圾般用一次後拋到一邊去,這圖片就對應了 Headline,Friend aren’t Disposable.


Posted: September 26, 2010 by tingelis in headline

a)  I think the headline is good

b)  Can you see “fanta” in the headline?This is very special=]

c)  The type of headline is the question headling

d)  The technigne of the hradlinr is question

e)  與圖一樣用orange..

[Headline] Hear what you like

Posted: September 26, 2010 by Marker in headline


Do you think the headline is good?

And why?
It emphasized that we shouldn’t listen to noise. Therefore, we can try “MTV on demand” to hear what we like. 

What type of headline is it?
The command headline. 

What technique of the headline is using?
It tell the prospects exactly what to do. 

How the headline come together with the visual?
This headline used the headlines twist.
According to the visual, a man was scared to listen to the music. It lead the reader and then suddenly pull it back to unexpected ending (choose the “MTV on demand” ). 

via [Headline] Hear what you like.

[Headline] A bigger family?

Posted: September 26, 2010 by Marker in headline


Do you think the headline is good?

And why?
It showed the readers if they want a bigger family. If not, use durex condom will solve the problem. 

What type of headline is it?
The question headline. 

What technique of the headline is using?
It uses headlines as question to arouse curiosity.
‘ A bigger family’ is a question that the consumer�already been seriously
asking himself. 

How the headline come together with the visual?
The headline come together with the visual directly. If the customer answers ‘ yes’ , his wife/girlfriend may become pregnant. 

via [Headline] A bigger family?.

[Headline] You Don’t Have To Join Us, to Join us

Posted: September 26, 2010 by Marker in headline


Do you think the headline is good?

And why?
It told the reader that not to worry about the way to save the whales, they would do that for them. The reader may donate to the Greenpeace instead of�riding the �dincy. 

The headline should not be all capital letters. 

What type of headline is it?
The indirect headline. 

What technique of the headline is using?
The headline makes people think before noticing the actual meaning of the advertising. 

How the headline come together with the visual?
It�lead the reader and then suddenly pull it back to unexpected ending ( donate to the Greenpeace). 

via [Headline] You Don’t Have To Join Us, to Join us.


Posted: September 26, 2010 by chuchu. in headline


i like it very much~ 

playful ^^ 

this is direct headline. 

Rehortial, features to benefit. 

the visual is really transform the wheels into the fingers. 


Copywriting-Headline Discussion(3)

Posted: September 25, 2010 by sin90513 in copy discussion, headline

A. Quite good

B. 這是一個sell condom的廣告,而且產品的USP就是加加大的尺碼,致於看見圖中女士的嘴角看似因某些物件導致撕裂開、再加上一句簡單又到位的”really big” …..答案就呼之欲出了。

C. The Direct Headline

D. 其實所運用的technique就是要target audience發揮聯想力,並且思想稍稍偏向色一點,不失有趣的廣告意味之餘又能特顯USP。

E.  Condom往往是一個挺難sell的product,既要特出自己的USP而又不會過份不雅,兩者要取得平衡確實有點難度。除了很經典的例子”Happy Father’s Day”外,我認為這又是一個挺突出的condom廣告。除了讓TA明白到這是推銷安全套外,更能重點focus在”大”這個賣點之上。基於圖像佔極大的編覆,我們首先看見的都是一個嘴角受損的女士。然後就會不禁問:為何她的嘴角會有如裂開地受損?此時我們再留意到右下角的商品外觀,或許都已能略知一二,但當再看過左下角的Headline”really big”,產品的USP就更加明顯。當然推銷安全套少不免會令廣告角度偏向一點色情,但我認為要是能夠從再普通不過的圖像和Headline的配合背後領會廣告商少少色情的意味,實在並非等閒之事。


Posted: September 25, 2010 by sin90513 in copy discussion, headline


A. May be bad

B. 廣告的Headline其實並不太能夠和圖像中顯示的產品配合。

C. The question Headline

D. 廣告提問了一個問題:你有粉刺的煩惱嗎?  問題之後,就是道人去問一下自己的女友找尋答案。我猜由於廣告認為一般女士對護膚的智識都是比較熟悉,於是就著人去問一下女朋友。但之後又補充一句”啊!我忘記了你是沒有女友的”,因此會讓人有一點混淆到底廣告的target audience是男性還是女性?

E. 總的來說,這不算是一個非常成功的廣告。因為廣告的Headline其實是可以適用於很多種不同類型的產品,所以這裡Headline就沒有突顯產品USP的功能。